Monday, August 27, 2007

Time line of events

The idea of the time-line is to collect all the events from 2001 to at least June, relating to fire safety and other issues that led to the Island opening late this year. We also intend to fold board and officer terms, key staff positions, and the facilities committee tenures on to this time line.

Obviously, it's going to have a million entries. We intend to structure it so that it is easy to filter for items of interest and to assign "significance levels" to events so that one can see a "high level" overview as well as all the gory detail.

What's linked from this post is the versions of the time-lines that we submitted to the board for their August 28th meeting. The versions are a "major events" version, and a full version of all the events we have on the time line right now. In no way do we think that this is complete, but this version emerged from one of the draft documents we're working on, and it seemed like a good place to start.

We're very eager for input on these time lines, both in terms of their form, and and substantively in terms of what's on them. Please send us feedback at Thanks.

The files are both PDF files hosted at one of our personal web sites.

Time Line Level 1

Time Line All Events

If for some reason you can't get them and you want, them, e-mail me at and I'll e-mail them to you.

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