Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Committee's conference call July 31, 2007

After a false start with Skype, we succeeded in having an old-fashioned conference call with all on except Nick, who couldn't make it. After getting to know one-another, Jordan synthesized our call of over an hour down into five points:

  • We'll met in Concord next week, as understanding where we're all coming from on this process is important.

  • It’s too soon to think about formal interviews. There’s a mountain of information in the documents that Amy sent along and in the binder. We’re best of digesting that and making our work plan face-to-face.

  • Confidentiality. We recognize people’s concerns with this as regards giving us information. Our intention would be to honor requests for confidentiality. We see no constructive role for anonymity in this process. We are aware that there are issues regarding information given to us and the Board of Directors. Regarding committee deliberations, source documents, and draft documents, we’ll covenant confidentiality with each other.

  • There is a sense of urgency in the community about this. It affects fund-raising and trust in our governance.

  • The committee was comfortable with Jordan going to the Island staff meeting this week primarily to help them understand what this committee is about – understanding the time-line and the issues that got us to this place. Informal conversations around this will probably be a good thing, but again, we’re no where near an “interview” process.

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